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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Munich Colloquium - Human Futures and Future Humans: Governing Disruptive Technologies


Munich Colloquium - Human Futures and Future Humans: Governing Disruptive Technologies

Tuesday 12.12.2017, 17:00 - 19:00


Vorhoelzer Forum 

Prof. Sheila Jasanoff

Powerful new technologies that are just around the corner - gene editing, autonomous vehicles, deep learning machines, for instance - promise to change the human future into one that is unimaginably swifter, smarter, more efficient, and freer from pain, disease, and early death than the present we currently inhabit. Less talked about are the consequences for future humans: what sorts of entities will we be when we are even more linked and networked, recorded in vast data systems, subjected to targeted biological manipulation, and dependent on thinking machines for much of our day to day activity? In this talk, I will review today's approaches to preserving the integrity of the human and consider how that concept might have meaning in the science fiction world that is spread out before us.

Munich Center for Technology in Society

Maya Schmitt (maya.schmitt@tum.de)

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