Applied Micobiology Symposium
Tuesday 22.09.2015, 13:30
WZW Freising - Forstwissenschaften - Gebäude 4277 - HS24
We would like to invite you to join us for the Symposium on "Applied Microbiology" in honor of Prof. N. Louise Glass (UC Berkeley), who will be visiting the HFM@TUM in September as August-Wilhelm Scheer Guestprofessor. Prof. Glass is a renowned researcher in the field of molecular signaling and gene regulation involved in development and metabolism of filamentous fungi. In recent years, she spearheaded the development of Neurospora crassa as a model system for fungal plant biomass degradation in biotechnological contexts. The symposium will feature Prof. Glass as keynote speaker, but includes a number of additional talks by TUM faculty and senior researchers which are supposed to highlight applied microbiological research from all over the TUM Campus (Weihenstephan, Straubing, and Garching).
Address: Forstwissenschaften und Ressourcenmanagement (4277) - Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising – Weihenstephan ---
Preliminary program -
13:30 - Prof. Dr. Klaus Richter (Wood Science, Holzforschung München, TUM) - Welcome address and introduction -
13:45 - Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Benz (Wood Bioprocesses, Holzforschung München, TUM) - "Characterization of plant cell wall perception in the model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa“ -
14:30 - Prof. Dr. Ludwig Niessen (Technical Microbiology, WZW, TUM) - „Fusarium - threats and solutions for the brewing industry” -
15:15 - Dr. Ing. Jochen Schmid (Chemistry of Biogenic Resources, WZ-Straubing, TUM) - “Concepts for the production of biomass derived monomers and polymers” -
16:30 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Weuster-Botz (Biochemical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, TUM) - “Model based whole-cell biocatalysis simplifies the production of a natural health product” -
17:15 - Dr. Armin Ehrenreich (Microbiology, WZW, TUM) - “Usage of Clostridia for solvent production” -
18:00 - Keynote Lecture - Prof. Dr. N. Louise Glass (Dept. Plant & Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley) - Title: TBD
Holzforschung München - Wood Bioprocesses
Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Benz
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