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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

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Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten
Studentische / Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Projekt „Toolbox Lehrerbildung“ des Projekts Teach@TUM der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung
Nachricht 04.05.2017
Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten
Hier finden Sie Stellen für Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen an der TU München sowie Studienarbeiten
Nachricht 08.05.2017
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d) im Bereich Politikwissenschaft (Projekt Power2U)
Der Lehrstuhl für Umwelt- und Klimapolitik sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung des Teams in Forschung und Lehre (Schwerpunkt: Analyse der deutschen Energiepolitik im Wärme- und Mobilitätssektor)
Nachricht 17.04.2024
Studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w) am Lehrstuhl für BWL - Strategie und Organisation (Prof. Welpe)
Am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Strategie und Organisation, Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe, wird ab 01.06.2011 eine studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w) gesucht.
Nachricht 12.04.2011
Scientific Employee for the DFG Project Resi4MPM – Design of Intelligent and Resilient Production Systems
The Institute of Automation and Information Systems is one of the leading institutes for automation and software engineering in automation. We are part of the TUM School of Engineering and Design and are strongly linked to computer science. One of our key research areas is the design and operation of intelligent production systems. In the current competitive environment, effectiveness and resilience of such production systems are key, i.e., they must be able to recover from faults. Especially faults on the field-level are oftentimes the reason for downtime, requiring resilient and intelligent field-level devices. Due to real-time constraints, the decision-making process on the field-level has to be highly efficient, necessitating appropriate information representations and algorithms. On the machine-level, (semi-)automatic recovery from faults and restarts have a huge potential for increasing the Overall Equipment Effectiveness. The design of such resilient systems is complemented by alarm analysis, e.g., root-cause analyses, which we investigate regarding implementation both within the field-level and using a cloud-based architecture. We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to join our motivated team in this research area.
Nachricht 01.02.2022
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) in Teilzeit
Wir suchen Verstärkung für unser Team zur wissenschaftlichen Betreuung von pflanzenwissenschaftlichen Experimenten in Klimakammern und Gewächshäuser des Plant-Technology-Centers (PTC) der TUM School of Life Sciences zum 01.06.2023 in Teilzeit (50 %).
Nachricht 10.05.2023
25% discount for students! Professional academic English proofreading and editing Nachricht 04.05.2023
ReferentIn (m/w/d) für Finanzen & Standortentwicklung am Forschungszentrum Geriatronik Nachricht 05.05.2023
Brewery Erdinger III
costs: 6.00€ number of participants: 20 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 45.00€ number of participants: 27 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend: Mexico
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
BMW Museum
costs: 4.00€ number of participants: 18 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend: Pakistan
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
Schloss Herrenchiemsee
costs: 20.00€ number of participants: 22 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1.012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Weekend in Berlin
costs: 70.00€ number of participants: 44 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Castles Tour
costs: 100.00€ number of participants: 44 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 10.00€ number of participants: 22 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Winter in the Black Forest
costs: 80.00€ number of participants: 18 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Nürnberg II
costs: 10.00€ number of participants: 21 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Brewery Erdinger IV
costs: 6.00€ number of participants: 20 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 12.00€ number of participants: 31 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 5.00€ number of participants: 16 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 8.00€ number of participants: 27 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Skiausflug / Skiing Trip
costs: 120.00€ number of participants: 26 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1.012).
Termin 16.09.2016
Länderabend Frankreich
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Monday 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 8.00€ number of participants: 20 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
From Mittenwald to Garmisch
costs: 8.00€ number of participants: 33 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
NS Documentation Center
pawn: 2.00€ number of participants: 13 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail. registration: reserve a seat and pay before the event's final week at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (IAS 1012).
Termin 16.09.2016
studentische bzw. wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft für das Teilprojekt „Integrierter Master Berufliche Bildung“ des Projekts Teach@TUM an der TUM School of Education
Das Teilprojekt "Integrierter Masterstudiengang Berufliche Bildung“ des Projektes "Teach@TUM" an der TUM School of Education sucht eine studentische bzw. wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung.
Nachricht 26.09.2016
WG-Zimmer gesucht! M 19, offenen, aufgeschlossenen, unkompliziert
Hey, auch ich suche momentan ein Zimmer in München. Was Größe und Einrichtung angeht bin ich recht anspruchslos, dafür wäre eine verkehrsgünstige Lage nach Garching aber super. Ich habe fast immer gute Laune und bin eher ruhig, aber für n Bierchen immer zu haben (n ist mathematisch zu verstehen). Wenn du also noch einen Mitbewohner suchst und die Miete maximal 550 € warm beträgt, ruf oder schreib mich an! :) Ich freu mich über jeden Tipp! Viele Grüße, Fynn
Nachricht 18.09.2016
Zur elektronischen Struktur von Graphen Termin 16.11.2010
Head of Neutron Optics
The Technische Universität München operates the Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) in Garching which is one of the leading neutron sources world wide.
Nachricht 16.11.2010
Universitäres Controlling (m/w/d)
Im Hochschulreferat Controlling-Organisation-Planung suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt Verstärkung für unser Team im interessanten und vielseitigen Aufgabengebiet Universitäres Controlling (m/w/d) in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit.
Nachricht 24.01.2025
Der Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energiespeichertechnik der Technischen Universität München beschäftigt sich im Schwerpunkt mit der Energiespeicherung in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien im stationären sowie mobilen Anwendungsfall. Zur Unterstützung unseres Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen/eine Sekretär/Sekretärin in Vollzeit.
Nachricht 05.12.2014
Master Thesis: Navigation Algorithm Design for Future Swarm Missions Nachricht 12.10.2020
ECCEROBOT – Embodied Cognition in a Compliantly Engineered Robot
This EU-funded project is to improve the design of a compliant robot system based on the original CRONOS robot (see http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/staff /owen/machine/cronos.html), to investigate methods for its control, its sensor data processing and the autonomous development of its cognitive skills. Applicants should have an MSc degree in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering (or equivalent, from a well-known University). The scholarship will be generously supplemented with overseas travel grants and other additional allowances. The successful candidate should have experience in one or more of the following areas: (i) control systems design, (ii) sensor signal processing including computer vision and sensor data fusion, (iii) high-level AI techniques. TU Munich enjoys an excellent international reputation as an academic leader and has been consistently ranked as one of the three best universities in Germany. It was appointed one of only three top universities in the first round of the “Excellence Initiative” of the German Government in 2006. The Munich area itself offers high-quality of living, with unparalleled outdoor recreational opportunites and a great night-life at a reasonable price. Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, an academic transcript and two referees. A statement of the broad area of your research interest should also be included.
Nachricht 03.09.2009
Wissenschaftsmanager (m/w/d) für Forschungs- und Wirtschaftskooperationen, Nationale Forschungsförderung & Projektmanagement
TUM ForTe sucht zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen Wissenschaftsmanager (m/w/d) für Forschungs- und Wirtschaftskooperationen, Nationale Forschungsförderung & Projektmanagement befristet für 2 Jahre.
Nachricht 06.11.2019
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