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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Bulletin Board > Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten > Tutor / Tutorin for "Reinforcement Learning for Optimizations in Biomechanics"
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Tutor / Tutorin for "Reinforcement Learning for Optimizations in Biomechanics"

04.03.2025, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

The Associate Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials is looking for a motivated student assistant (SHK) to help as a Tutor with the course "Reinforcement Learning for Optimizations in Biomechanics".

The role involves installing software packages on virtual machines (VMs) running on LRZ Compute Cloud, helping students with using the VSCode IDE and git version control, implementing biomechanical models in MuJoCo physics simulator and running Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms implemented in the stable-baselines3 library. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your own knowledge while helping others learn cutting-edge AI techniques applied to Biomechanics.

Kontakt: Gheorghe Lisca, gheorghe.lisca@tum.de

More Information

1 Tutor / Tutorin for "Reinforcement Learning for Optimizations in Biomechanics", (Type: application/pdf, Size: 3.9 MB) Save attachment

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