Looking for a student assistant at the Chair of Sport and Health Management
26.02.2025, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten
Do you want to get insights into the scientific work at the chair and contribute your scientific interest? Then you have the opportunity to apply as a student assistant.
The Chair of Sport and Health Management is looking for a student assistant for 10-12 hours per week starting April 1st, 2025 to support our team. Tasks include administration of the virtual course offerings (offered by the Chair via the virtual university Bavaria [vhb]), assistance with scientific work of the chair (e.g., statistical data analyses, transcription and coding of interviews), assistance with coordination of exams, and other administra-tive tasks.
Please send your application documents (motivation letter, CV, grade report, and certificates - in one PDF) in electronic form to Ms. Daniela Moirano (daniela.moirano@tum.de) as soon as possible but not later than March 1st, 2025.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Kontakt: daniela.moirano@tum.de