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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Bulletin Board > Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten > CALL FOR APPLICATIONS BACHELOR'S THESIS / RESEARCH INTERNSHIP (M/F/D)
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24.02.2025, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

The Werner Siemens Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology at the Department of Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich in Garching is looking for an enthusiastic student for the topic: Screening, Characterization and Biomass Optimization of Cyanobacteria for Metal Adsorption and their Biotechnological Applications

The Werner Siemens Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology focuses on the isolation, characteriza-tion, and process-oriented optimization of enzymes and microorganisms for the production of industrial platform chemicals. A key research focus is the cultivation of oil-producing microor-ganisms and microalgae for the biotechnological utilization of organic raw materials.

Your Responsibilities:

- Isolation and Identification of Cyanobacterial Strains from environmental samples
- Optimization of Growth and Biomass Production of cyanobacteria and other auto-trophic microorganisms by adjusting light conditions, temperature, pH, salinity, and me-dia composition
- Up-Scaling the cultivation to Bioreactors
- Optional: Characterization of growth behavior and analysis of biomass compo-sition
- Optional: Investigation of Metal Adsorption by Algal Biomass for applications in metal recovery

Your Qualifications:

To tackle this complex research topic, we are looking for a self-motivated, team-oriented, and well-structured individual with experience in biochemistry, biotechnology, and/or microbiology. Suitable applicants should have laboratory experience in the safe and precise handling of lab equipment as well as in sterile working techniques. Practical experience in the cultivation of microorganisms (preferably cyanobacteria and/or other autotrophic microorganisms) and knowledge of molecular biology techniques (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing) are ad-vantageous.

Contact Information:

Maximilian Lübben, M.Sc.
Werner Siemens-Lehrstuhl für Synthetische Biotechnologie (WSSB)
Department Chemie, Technische Universität München (TUM)
Lichtenbergstraße 4,
85748, Garching bei München

Kontakt: maximilian.luebben@tum.de

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