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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Bulletin Board > Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten > Master’s Thesis in Positron Defect Spectroscopy (AMOC) at FRM II
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Master’s Thesis in Positron Defect Spectroscopy (AMOC) at FRM II

18.11.2024, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

With the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source, the Technical University of Munich operates one of the most powerful and modern neutron sources. This Master’s thesis focuses on the Age-Momentum Correlation (AMOC) technique, which allows simultaneous measurement of positron lifetime and momentum to provide even more detailed defect analysis.

Positron spectroscopy is a valuable tool for studying material defects with high sensitivity. By analyzing either the positron’s lifetime or the Doppler shift of annihilation gamma quanta, researchers gain insights into defect characteristics such as concentration, distribution, and size. This Master’s thesis focuses on the Age-Momentum Correlation (AMOC) technique, which allows simultaneous measurement of positron lifetime and momentum to provide even more detailed defect analysis. The project involves designing an AMOC setup for the lab, including detector systems, data acquisition, and analysis, and will conclude with benchmarking on various materials.

Your tasks:

The candidate will develop an AMOC lab setup, designing a system for simultaneous energy and time detection in positron annihilation events. Key tasks include implementing a detector readout system, analyzing AMOC data, testing the setup with reference materials, and documenting methods and results.

Your skills:

Applicants should have a strong physics background, particularly in condensed matter or nuclear physics. Experience in spectroscopy or particle detection is highly beneficial, as is familiarity with laboratory instrumentation and data acquisition. Proficiency in data analysis and programming (e.g., Python or MATLAB) is desirable, along with strong analytical abilities and attention to detail.


Leon Chryssos | leon.chryssos@frm2.tum.de

Kontakt: leon.chryssos@frm2.tum.de

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