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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Bulletin Board > Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten > Master thesis: land use change effects on biodiversity of food webs
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Master thesis: land use change effects on biodiversity of food webs

04.08.2024, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

We are studying the effects of intensive agriculture and forestry in the diversity of invertebrates in grasslands and forests across different sites of Germany.

In Spring/Summer, we collected pitfall, window and swipe netting samples from ground and flying invertebrates and now we would like to see which species we got and how this diversity changes with the management of the land. This fascinating diversity is important for supporting the ecosystems and will give you an insight of how they work.

You will get:
- A great working group, with plenty of knowledge to share (and social activities)
- Chance to develop certifiable skills in taxonomical identification, lab work, data analysis and scientific communication.
- Participation in publications

You bring:
- Motivation, responsability, passion for nature and specifically invertebrates, time availability flexible between September 2024 and April 2025.

- This is an unpaid thesis.
- The place of work is Freising.
- The type of thesis is in presence because lab work is needed.
- The thesis is intended for TUM master students, but please contact to discuss the possibility for other universities and other types of participation (e.g., internship, practical work).

Are you interested in being part of this project? Contact with your CV, letter of intention and any questions to: alejandra.parreno@tum.de

Looking forward to your contact!

Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de

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