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scRNA-Seq in Immunology, flexible HiWi position with home office opportunity

HiWi Position in Bioinformatics - scRNA-seq in Immunology

21.05.2024, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

Decoding the human immune system on the single-cell level Our research group employs state-of-the-art single cell sequencing technologies (10x Genomics, BD Rhapsody) to unravel the dynamics of the human immune system. We seek a HiWi student to contribute to scRNA-seq analyses. HiWi position with home office opportunity (8-20h/week) for students of bioinformatics, computational biology or life sciences.

HIWI Position in Bioinformatics

Decoding the human immune system on the single-cell level

Single cell genomics is revolutionizing biology and medicine. Rapid technological advances now allow the profiling of genomes, transcriptomes and epigenomes at an unprecedented level of resolution. To harness the full potential of these developments, new computational methods specifically tailored towards the analysis of single cell omics data are essential. This has now also been appreciated with the nomination “technology of the year 2019” by the journal Nature Methods.

Our research group employs state-of-the-art single cell sequencing technologies (10x Genomics, BD Rhapsody) to unravel the dynamics of the human immune system.

We currently look for a motivated HiWi-student in the area of bioinformatics/computational biology who contributes in a team effort to unravel the regulation of the human immune system in inflammatory diseases and to discover novel immune cell subsets that could be exploited for successful vaccination strategies. We have scRNAseq data sets from 10x Genomics available and need you for data analysis using already implemented bioinformatic pipelines under the guidance of a postdoc. You will be part of a group of other HiWi-students, some of who have already contributed to publications (Chao et al. Nature Immunology 2023, de Almeida et al. Science Immunology 2022). Several previous HiWi students have successfully contributed to high impact publications as co-authors (Nature Immunol 2023, Sci Immunol 2022, etc.)

Job: HIWI-Position, 8-20h/week (more or less hours also possible, flexible, home office possible)

Qualifications: Applicants should be students of bioinformatics/computational biology or from the life sciences with skills in R or Phython and be highly motivated to contribute to single-cell RNA-seq data analyses and preparation of manuscripts for publication.

Where: We are a Leibniz Institute group based in Jena but you can work where ever you want in the world from home office.

When: The HiWi position is available immediately.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christina Zielinski (christina.zielinski@leibniz-hki.de), www.zielinskilab.com

Kontakt: Christina.zielinski@leibniz-hki.de

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