Web Communications
- Would you like to set up a social media presence or would you like us to post something for you on one of TUM's central presences? Then please read our social media wiki (German).
- Are you an editor? We have compiled tips and advice in our online editorial wiki (German).
- You can reach the Web Communications team at webcommunications@tum.de
Fiorina Schulz Head of Web Communications |
Phone: +49 89 289 22391 fiorina.schulz@tum.de |
Content strategy: editing and topic planning for social media and homepage of www.tum.de
Andreas Schmidt Content strategy homepage of www.tum.de and social media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) |
Phone: +49 89 289 22728 a.schmidt@tum.de |
Maria Kastl Social Media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) |
Phone: +49 89 289 22724 ellina.totoeva@tum.de |
Ellina Totoeva Social Media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) |
Phone: +49 89 289 22705 ellina.totoeva@tum.de |
Editorial team www.tum.de: relaunch and editing, information architecture, landing pages, conception, user management etc.
Christina Fortwängler Website editor Relaunch www.tum.de |
christina.fortwaengler@tum.de |
Eva Fritsch Website editor Relaunch www.tum.de |
eva.fritsch@tum.de |
Kolja Kröger Website editor |
Phone: +49 89 289 22743 kolja.kroeger@tum.de |
Tobias Röckl Website editor Monday (all day) |
Phone: +49 89 289 22716 tobias.roeckl@tum.de |
Dr. Vera Spaett Website editor Relaunch www.tum.de Office hours: Tuesday - Thursday (half-day), Friday (all day) |
vera.spaett@tum.de |
Project Management Relaunch www.tum.de and Corporate Design
Norman Macha Project management: relaunch |
Phone: +49 89 289 22709 norman.macha@tum.de |
Tina Marleni Schwegler Corporate Design |
tina.schwegler@tum.de |
- TUM in the Social Media/Web 2.0: 'Social Media in Science Communication' Podcast with interview from the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft (German)
- Article about the Web Communications team in TUMCampus (pdf complete issue TUMcampus 01/2013, on p. 35 'Web Team') (German).
- Press release about the relaunch of www.tum.de (June 2012) (German)
- Entire team of the Corporate Communications Center
contact: fiorina.schulz@tum.de