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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


The newsletter for students of TUM informs about the latest developments and improvements at TUM; introduces new service offers; and points out interesting events, important competitions, and new funding or scholarship programs.

To subscribe/unsubscribe please click here: www.tum.de/tumstudinews!


  • TUMstudinews 2012 - 4   (26.07.2012)
    Johannes Windmiller about ExIni - CubeSat First-MOVE - 40,000 e-books in UB - TUM Mentoring - Not to be missed - TUM at Documenta
  • TUMstudinews 2012 - 3   (14.06.2012)
    Granted teacher Klaus Diepold - iGEM 2012 - Academicus 2012 - Junior meets Senior - Not to be missed - English Writing Center
  • TUMstudinews 2012 - 2   (27.04.2012)
    Gaining a doctorate at TUM - feedback@tum - Literature management EndNote - Bavarian Virtual University - Not to be missed - TUM:Junge Akademie
  • TUMstudinews 2012 - 1   (31.01.2012)
    Interview Vice President Keller - National Scholarship Program - SSZ Service Desk hotline - TUMonline student guide - Not to be missed - TUMlab in the Deutsches Museum
  • TUMstudinews 2011 - 5   (19.12.2011)
    Excellence Initiative - Prizes for teaching concepts - Nightline München - LRZ in Garching - Not to be missed - Research Brewery Weihenstephan
  • TUMstudinews 2011 - 4   (20.10.2011)
    Double cohorts - TUM:Agenda Lehre - CIO Hans Pongratz - TUM University library - Not to be missed - Language Center
  • TUMstudinews 2011 - 3   (12.07.2011)
    Tuition fees - Mentoring Step Inside - Library PressDisplay - TUM-Shop online - Not to be missed - TUM Graduate School
  • TUMstudinews 2011 - 2   (07.06.2011)
    From Bachelor to Master - SSZ Service Desk - @tum.de with Exchange 2012 - Learning to learn - Not to be missed - Neutron Source in Garching
  • TUMstudinews 2011 - 1   (09.05.2011)
    Double Graduate Cohort - Cafeteria Building Garching - Moodle 2.0 - MANIAC - Not to be missed - Career Week - IAS in Garching

contact: Corporate Communications Center

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Corporate Communications Center
Arcisstr. 19
Tel.: 089/289-22778

All newsletter issues
