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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Not to be missed! Seminars, lectures and competitions

MasterTUM Info Fair 2011

All Bachelor’s students, graduates and interested parties are cordially invited to visit the MasterTUM Info Fair due to be held in der Magistrale of the Faculty of Mathematics/Information Science at Garching Research Center from 12 noon to 7 p.m. on November 3, 2011 and find out more about the opportunities available at TU München to continue their studies. You can obtain an overview of the Master’s degree courses held in the different departments at the information stands and clarify the admission conditions, means of application, course syllabus and course structures for the subjects concerned. The Student Advisory Center will show what combinations are open to you. More about the MasterTUM Info Fair... www.tum.de/studium/master/mastermesse

Men and women stand up for themselves in day-to-day (university) life – an interactive gender workshop

The big changes the university has undergone during the past few years have also affected the role requirements imposed on its members. Male and female models are caught up in a permanent mutation process. The roles of the sexes influence our everyday behavior and our awareness. And it is precisely this aspect that the seminar entitled “Men and women stand up for themselves in day-to-day (university) life”, scheduled for Friday, November 25, 2011, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., has set out to tackle: What gender stereotypes and prejudices define our reality nowadays? What influence do gender aspects exert on our personal conduct? And how can we handle the prevailing gender matters constructively and expand the options open to us? The seminar is held in German! To register... http://de.amiando.com/20111125_gendertraining.html

TUM Career Week – “Time for your Career” 5-day event

Submitting applications at home and abroad, completing a doctorate at the TUM, careers paths in various sectors – there are countless doors and careers opportunities open to you, but how is anybody supposed to find the right one? TUM‘s Career Week to the rescue! From November 28 to December 2, 2011 TUM’s Career Service is organizing a 5-day program with a wide choice of workshops and lectures. They are open to all students and admission is free of charge. The deadline for workshops and interviews with companies is November 18, 2011. More about Career Week... www.tum.de/career → TUM Career Week

Learning skills: Learning to learn

Learning to learn is the prerequisite for a successful academic education. In the winter semester 2011/2012, ProLEHRE, TUM's department for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is once again offering students interdisciplinary courses designed to aid and boost their learning skills. Those participating in the series of workshops are given the opportunity to find out and optimize their own personal way of learning, plan their learning process and try out learning techniques suitable for studying. More about dates and registration...

Series of talks on "Professional IT operations" at the LRZ

A series of talks due to be held at the Leibniz Computer Center (LRZ) will focus on problems that can arise with the operation of IT and communication systems in middle-sized to large environments. Besides employees of the LRZ itself, guest speakers from industry as well as research and teaching have been invited. The LRZ is the IT service provider for the 120,000 and more members of staff and students from the Munich-based universities and is one of the three federal super computer centers. With one exception, the talks are to be delivered at the LRZ, Boltzmannstrasse 1, Garching from 3.15 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays. More about the lecture... www.lrz.de/services/termine/it-betrieb/WiSe_11_12/

“The Future of Healthcare”: student competition at Siemens Healthcare

“How will technical advancement and social change affect today’s worldwide health system?” Under the name of “The Future of Healthcare”, the competition, devised by Siemens Healthcare’s Chief Technology Office and Innovation Think Tank revolves around this question. The 10 best participants will be invited to take part in an innovation camp, lasting three months at the most, to be organized by Siemens Healthcare. The deadline for written entries is November 7, 2011. More... www.siemens.com/innovationthinktank

“Henkel Innovation Challenge” student competition

The aim of the international student competition entitled “Henkel Innovation Challenge” is for teams of two students to develop a concept for a Henkel brand product or an innovative technology for customers and consumers in 2030. Entries must be submitted by December 12, 2011.The winning team will be given an “Around the world” ticket and travel vouchers. The three best teams will be invited to Düsseldorf where they can meet Henkel’s CEO Kasper Rorsted. More... www.henkelchallenge.com/

Online ideas competition “Shaping the Uni” (UniGestalten)

Generating ideas and approaches for future perspectives is the aim of the online competition entitled “Shaping the Uni”. It is being organized by the Junge Akademie together with the Foundation for German Science (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft). The competition will run from October 17 to December 15 throughout the German-speaking world. “Shaping the Uni” will be asking students, alumni and staff from the fields of teaching, research and administration on the spot, reckons with the innovative power of individuals and organizations and provides recommendations for decision-makers in Science and Politics. The prize money amounts to a total of 15,000 euros. A main prize of 5000 euros and 20 other prizes await the innovative forerunners who provide the incentives for shaping everyday university life. More... www.unigestalten.de

Further news:
Double cohorts of school-leavers: New lecture halls are completed
"TUM:Agenda Lehre“: More than 16 million euros for tuition models and commitment
TUM’s new CIO: “Good time management is vital”
UB der TUM: Sie suchen Literatur? Wir helfen Ihnen weiter!
TUMSpotlight: The language center: being lost for words is a thing of the past!


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