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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

TUM University Library: The place for your information needs!

The University Library with its 10 branch libraries offers access to an extensive collection of printed and electronic media that will support you in your studies. There is a range of workshops where we show you how to find and use these resources effectively.

Our 1.5h workshop “Fit for studying – Basic library course” gives an introduction into library services and searching for literature. It should provide you with all essentials for your first years of study.

Fit for the final examination – Advanced library course” is designed for all students who are already familiar with the basic principles of literature search and are preparing for their dissertation or a seminar paper. The advanced course focuses on finding literature on a particular topic (mainly in bibliographic databases) as well as evaluating and analysing your results and referencing.

More about dates and registration ... www.ub.tum.de/workshops.

Dates for our guided tours of the branch libraries www.ub.tum.de/fuehrungen.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions by telephone, chat, video phone, text and eMail.

Further news:
Double cohorts of school-leavers: New lecture halls are completed
“TUM:Agenda Lehre“: More than 16 million euros for tuition models and commitment
TUM’s new CIO: “Good time management is vital”
Not to be missed! Seminars, lectures and competitions
TUMSpotlight: The language center: being lost for words is a thing of the past!


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Arcisstr. 19
Tel.: 089/289-22778

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