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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Corporate Communications Center > Newsletter > TUM newsletter for students > TUMstudinews 2011 - 4 > Double cohorts of school-leavers: New lecture halls are completed

Double cohorts of school-leavers: New lecture halls are completed

Now the interim lecture halls on the Garching campus have been inaugurated, they will be taken into use immediately! The two new halls can accommodate 450 and 280 students respectively. This building is just one of many measures undertaken by TUM to cope with the considerable influx of undergraduates due to the double cohorts of secondary school-leavers. TUM’s has recorded a 37% greater intake of Bachelor’s students this year compared with 2010, which exceeds the estimated figures published by the Ministry of Science by 11 per cent.

So we have succeeded in acquiring a large number of new students – from the double school-leaving cohorts, as well – in the engineering and science degree courses. Some introductory lectures in the winter term 2011/12 are only slightly fuller than last year. The reason for this lies in the early start to certain TUM courses – Electrical Engineering, for example – in the summer term 2011.

Around 1,150 students took up their studies in TUM‘s two-in-one program in May 2011. Despite this, there will still be about 2,500 first-term students attending classes at TUM this autumn, more than in 2010, including those who embarked on their studies in the summer semester 2011. As a result, we will need more room and additional staff.

Thanks to the support of the Ministry for Science, Research and Art and the State Parliament, TUM has been able to create 300 extra teaching positions, a quarter of which are for professors. It can also rent over 12,000 m2 of extra space: in Karlstrasse, Munich or on the business campus in Garching, for example. So it’s “Business as usual” at TUM, and the degree courses will continue at the same, customary high level as before.

Nor will there be any cuts with regard to catering facilities: as from now, the Mensa in Garching has opened an additional hatch, and 90 extra seats have been provided in the area surrounding the Campus Cneipe. Several snack stands have been installed in the research grounds to support the catering network.

Further news:
“TUM:Agenda Lehre“: More than 16 million euros for tuition models and commitment
TUM’s new CIO: “Good time management is vital”
TUM University Library: The place for your information needs!
Not to be missed! Seminars, lectures and competitions
TUMSpotlight: The language center: being lost for words is a thing of the past!


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