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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Corporate Communications Center > Newsletter > TUM newsletter for students > TUMstudinews 2011 - 3 > The world's biggest online newsagent's: over 1,700 magazines free of charge

The world's biggest online newsagent's: over 1,700 magazines free of charge

The chance to read 1,700 newspapers from 92 countries in 48 languages online: now the Library PressDisplay platform has been installed, TUM's university library offers its students the world's biggest online newspaper kiosk. You can browse through daily newspapers and read the full contents of periodicals free of charge. Tuition fees also go towards funding this subscription!

You can call up Library PressDisplay via the university library's Database Infosystem (DBIS). Free access is possible either with a computer connected to the TUM university network (on-campus access via proxy) or with the help of the myTUM user ID (off-campus access via eAccess). Simply activate the DBIS function, enter "Library PressDisplay" in the search engine window and click your way to the start page.

The eMedia team at the university library will be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding Library PressDisplay or provide assistance if you have any problems accessing these functions!
Contact: support.emedien@ub.tum.de

ATTENTION: The license for Library PressDisplay has expired in December 2015. 

Further news:
Tuition fees: What exactly happens with them?
Step Inside – students act as mentors for senior pupils
The new TUM-Shop is online
Not to be missed! Events, contests and prizes
TUM Spotlight: The TUM Graduate School – the way to a doctoral degree with foresight


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Tel.: 089/289-22778

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