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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Step Inside – students act as mentors for senior pupils

What's in store for me when I commence my degree course? The Step Inside mentoring program gives senior pupils a proper insight into their chosen course, as conveyed by experienced students studying the relevant subject. Step Inside will embark on a new round at the beginning of the winter term 2011/2012. All TUM students are cordially invited to offer their services as mentors!

Step Inside was initiated by three TUM students. The concept of the program is to pair up pupils interested in studying for a degree with an undergraduate mentor doing the course concerned, who is willing to pass on his/her personal experience and knowledge. The mentor supports the mentee for about half a year, answering specific queries relating to the course and the university milieu.

It is up to the mentor and mentee to jointly decide which aspects their exchange should touch on. The discourse can take various shapes ranging from online correspondence via Facebook, e-mail or Chat to a joint visit to the Student Counseling or a guided tour of an academic department.

Step Inside complements the successful mentoring programs TUM Mentoring and mentorING für Studentinnen, whose services can, of course, also be used by active members of the Step Inside platform. Everyone is free to participate in a preparatory "Training for mentors" course conducted by the Carl von Linde Academy. And it goes without saying that there are no objections to announcing the program at one's own former college or looking after one or two mentees from that school.


Franziska Rudolph-Albert / Benita Paraschoudis
exploreTUM Services for prospective students and teaching staff
Student Counseling and School Programs Student Service Center
Tel. (089) 289-22693/22694
E-Mail: exploretum@zv.tum.de

Further news:
Tuition fees: What exactly happens with them?
The world's biggest online newsagent's: over 1,700 magazines free of charge
The new TUM-Shop is online
Not to be missed! Events, contests and prizes
TUM Spotlight: The TUM Graduate School – the way to a doctoral degree with foresight


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