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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Not to be missed!

Wiki on TUM-apps online

There is already a huge selection of Apps for Android OS or iPhone/iPad and new applications for Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Symbian are constantly being published – also at the TUM! For everybody at TUM, the new Wiki provides an overview of the mobile applications that are associated with TUM and help to make life easier. Here, developers also have the opportunity to make their app known and to present it to the TUM-members. http://apps.wiki.tum.de

TUM: dies legendi - Day of Teaching

At the TUM: dies legendi, lecturers will be awarded for introducing new ways of teaching – from innovative e-learning concepts to peer-teaching approaches. There will be a presentation of award-winning educational programs and information on the latest developments in the field of teaching that focus on a common issue: getting teachers and students together to talk and to improve the quality of teaching at the TUM. All members and TUM-friends are invited. Time: May 8, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., location: Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Garching. Program and registration under www.tum.de/dies_legendi

TUM Career Week, May 21 to 25, 2012

The TUM Career Week – from May 21 to 25, 2012 – focuses on career counseling, job orientation and on career entries at home and abroad. There will be numerous events at the three TUM sites (City, Garching and Weihenstephan). It will be possible to learn more about application procedures at home and abroad – and to get to know interesting companies during workshops or in a personal interview. Participation is free of charge. Application for corporate events at the TUM campus: 
Application for TUM Career Service events: www.tum.de/alumnicareer

Learning competence: learning to learn

To get to know and to optimize one's own learning behavior – in short: learning to learn – is a prerequisite for a successful scientific education. In the summer term of 2012, the TUM's higher education team ProLehre offers interdisciplinary services to all the students, to assist and promote their learning skills. In a series of workshops, participants can get to know their individual ways learning, arrange and optimize the learning process and find appropriate study-related learning techniques. More ...

Consultation hours on learning

Students can get tips and ideas for successful learning in our consultation-hours on learning, which are open to members of all faculties. Got any questions about specific fields of learning for this semester? Interested in trying out new methods of learning? Or are there any uncertainties about how to approach a certain lecture-script? These and similar questions can be individually discussed in the consultation hours on learning. Dates for the open hours are to be found under...

TU Film now digital

As from the summer semester, the TU Film is now able to show both 35 mm film and digital DCI compliant movies. The new projection system has been installed. The TUM's own cinema is the first university-cinema to provide such a system.
To the program...

TUM-Christmas Matinee: singers wanted!

in this year's "TUM Christmas Matinee" and "Vivat TUM" in December 2012, the vox nova will take over the choral part of Mendelssohn's symphony cantata "Hymn of Praise", conducted by Felix Mayer. Interested, experienced singers from every branch of the TUM are still sought! Auditions will take place on July 1. Anyone interested should register at vox nova before June 15: www.voxnova.de/concert/adventsmatinee/aktiv/anmeldung.
For further information:contact@voxnova.de.

AIESEC: International Platform

Every year, the international platform of the AIESEC-organization offers 15,000 opportunities for full-scale international experience and more than 21,000 challenging executive tasks to students who would like to socialize and join a global network with other students, young professionals, companies and organizations. AIESEC will present itself at the TUM on April 26, 2012, at 7 p.m., Building 5, Room 0534. More...

Public Lectures „Schaltstelle Gehirn“

This summer semester, the lecture series „Schaltstelle Gehirn. Von der Evolution des Geistes zur Neurotechnologie und Robotik“ of the Carl von Linde-Akademie focuses on neuropsychology, i.e. the interface between brain science and psychology. The program can be found under…

Public Lectures „Highlights der Forschung“

Since 2007, outstanding scientists, who are particularly involved in research and teaching even after their retirement, are awarded the honorary title TUM Emeriti of Excellence. This summer semester, three distinguished speakers address topics as diverse as nanoelectronics, plastic surgery and the innate immune system.
Details can be found under…

Public Lectures „Science and Society“

In cooperation with the TUM Institute for Advanced Study, the Carl von Linde-Academy organizes the lecture series „Science and Society – Meet with Excellence“. This summer semester, topics are the psychology of risk and scientific policy advice.
Further info…

Further news:
“New opportunities and options!” – Gaining a doctorate at the TUM
Ideas, requests and criticism: feedback@tum
Anywhere and at any time: Bavarian virtual university
Typing up quotes is a thing of the past! Literature management made easy with the new EndNote campus licence
TUMSpotlight: The TUM: Young Academy – ab ingenio ad excellentiam


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