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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Corporate Communications Center > Newsletter > TUM newsletter for students > TUMstudinews 2012 - 2 > Typing up quotes is a thing of the past! Literature management made easy with the new EndNote campus licence

Typing up quotes is a thing of the past! Literature management made easy with the new EndNote campus licence

Copying literature references? Typing quotes by hand? You can now dispense with all that by using a literature management program – so researching and managing literature and citing quotes correctly almost takes care of itself. Alongside the campus licencing agreement for Citavi, the university library is also offering EndNote as from now.

EndNote is a widespread, internationally popular software that runs on Windows and MAC-OS. EndNote can be installed locally. Additionally, a web version is available, so users can access the data from any computer.

EndNote enables:

  • online research in subject-related databases and library catalogues
  • direct importation of researched literature sources
  • addition of excerpts, keywords and personal notes to literature sources
  • inclusion of literature references in the treatise
  • the automatic compilation of complete literature indexes

For further details and the link for downloading from the university library’s website please go to www.ub.tum.de/endnote.

Introductory courses in EndNote and drop-in sessions for individual literature management consultations are available at the university library. Appointments and registration at www.ub.tum.de/workshops.

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