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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


Ruethenfest (medieval festival)

Sunday 21.07.2019, 08:00 - 21:00

Registration in TUMi office, main campus: 0185; Garching: 1.012
Participants: 18
Availability: 8
Costs: 15 €
Meeting point & time for participants will be sent per email shortly before the event.

Ruethenfest (medieval festival)
Sunday 21.07.2019

The Ruethenfest in the city of Landsberg am Lech is an old tradition that dates back centuries. The whole city turns into a scenery from far back in time. The highlight is the big parade with actors in historical costumes.

Locals and guests are invited to take part in the cheerful atmosphere, dances and parades to explore the tents, campfires and culinary delights that cover the whole city center of Landsberg.

Registration in TUMi office (main campus: 0185; Garching: 1.012)

Costs: 15€

Office hours: here

Hamburg, Speicherstadt, Wasserschloss -- 2016 -- 3230-6.jpg

Image: Silar [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

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