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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


Social Erasmus: Dinner in the Dark

Donnerstag 13.06.2019, 19:00 - 22:00

Registration online or in TUMi office, main campus 0185; Garching IAS 1.012
Participants: 35
Availability: 35
Costs: 5 €
Meeting point & time for participants will be send via email shortly before the event.

Social Erasmus
Thursday 13.06.2019, 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm

Hello Beautiful people for another edition of TUMi's Dinner in the Dark!

Can you correctly guess the taste of potato, meat or tofu? Does your brain form an association with what’s in your mouth or do you suspect something else to eat in the dark?

As part of this event, your vision will be suppressed as you will be blindfolded and placed in a room with other Erasmus students. With one sense concealed, the other four senses of smell, taste, touch and hearing are claimed to an unusually high degree. Then the challenge will begin as you navigate a meal without sight and converse with other students, some of which you may have never met before!

There will also be a surprise at the end!

We will prepare a nice meal for you to enjoy as you converse in the dark, please inform us of your dietary requirements in advance so we can make the arrangements. To cover the cost of the food the fee for this event will be 5 Euros.

For your interest: The Dining in the Dark experience was created in Germany giving guests a first-hand glimpse into the lives of those who are completely blind, taking them on an unforgettable journey in the dark. The one of a kind concept has been enjoyed by many people across Europe before becoming adopted worldwide.

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