Weekend in Brussels
Friday 22.06.2018, 00:00 - Sunday 24.06.2018, 22:30
Registration in TUMi office, room 0185.
Participants: 45
Availability: 2
Costs: 90 € (cash only)
Meeting point & time for participants will be announced via email shortly before the event.
Weekend in Brussels
Friday 22.06.2018 - Sunday 24.06.2018
The bus is leaving Munich on Thursday evening, 21.06.18 at about 11 o'clock pm!
Welcome to the only TUMi excursion abroad this semester. Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium, but also the capital of Europe. Many institutions of the European Union (EU) are located here.
We visit among others the European Commission.
Included in the price are:
• Transport (Bus)
• Accommodation (hostel: 2 nights with breakfast)
• City tours
• Guided Tour of the European Commission
• More Surprises!
TUMi office: opening hours