Allianz Arena III
Sunday 22.04.2018, 12:30 - 15:00
Registration in TUMi office, room 0185.
Participants: 28
Availability: waiting list only
Costs: 6.50 € (cash only)
Meeting point & time for participants will be send via email shortly before the event.
Allianz Arena III
Sunday 22.04.2018, 12.30 am - 3 pm
The Allianz Arena is home to the two traditional Munich soccer clubs FC Bayern München and TSV 1860.
It seats 75.000 fans and flashes the team's colors brightly into the sky of Fröttmaning at game night.
In a guided tour we discover the stadium's heart and lay a foot on the sacred green.
TUMi office: Speaking hours!