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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


Nymphenburg Palace II

Wednesday 04.04.2018, 10:00 - 12:00

Registration in TUMi office, room 0185.
Participants: 23
Availability: 6
Costs: 5 € (cash only)
Meeting point & time for participants will be send via email shortly before the event.

Nymphenburg Palace
Wednesday 04.04.2018, 10 am - 12 am

The baroque Nymphenburg Palace is situated in the area of Neuhausen-Nymphenburg.
It has been the main summer residence of the former rulers of Bavaria, the Wittelsbacher family.

TUMi office: Speaking hours!

Schloss Nymphenburg Hinten Schlosspark-mit-Springbrunnen.jpg
Johannes Schlund: Schloss Nymphenburg

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