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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


Castles Tour

Mittwoch 02.12.2015, 16:00 - Sonntag 06.12.2015, 18:00

costs: 100.00€
number of participants: 44
meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail.
registration: in person at the offices, TUM Main Campus (0185) or Garching (1012).

Castle Tour -
from Strasbourg to Lake Constance

Wednesday 02.12.2015 - Sunday 06.12.2015

Ein einmaliges Ereignis in der Geschichte TUMis führt uns zu und in die Gemächer bezaubernder Schlösser.

- Busfahrt
- 4 Übernachtungen, 2 Mahlzeiten am Tag
- die französische Stadt Straßburg
- und ein Besuch der Insel Mainau

Alles, was da draußen so ist - wir erkunden es. Frankreich, vielleicht die Schweiz und immer wieder Schlösser und Seen in atemberaubender Umgebung. Und abends, bevor wir uns träumerischer Ruhe hingeben, wird getanzt und gelacht.

Registrierung: TUMi Sprechzeiten

Instead of simply look-ing at castles, we are actually going to live in them! We will call not one, not two, but three of the most beautiful castles in Southern Germany our temporary homes throughout the 4 days and see first-hand how it is to stay in these architectural marvels.

- Transportation (bus)
- Accommodation (4 nights)
- 2 meals a day
- Guided city tours
- Visit of Mainau island

And if that wasn’t enough, you will also get to see the beautiful French city of Strasbourg after our first night in Castle Ortenberg. Our second castle is sitting on top of a hill next to the beautiful Danube River in the midst of an enchanting, romantic landscape. Here, we will also have the chance to hike through the Upper Dan-ube Nature Park and explore the surrounding fields and forests. To top off our trip we spend 2 days right next to the stunning Lake Constance. You get to experience unique panoramic views from your bedroom window, the charming flower island Mainau, the bars and clubs in Constance and maybe even parts of Switzerland.

Registration: TUMi office's hours

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