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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen > International Center > Events - TUM Liaison Offices

Events - TUM Liaison Offices vom 01.05.2018 bis 31.05.2018

Monday, 07.05.2018

07.05.2018, 14:00 - 08.05.2018, 17:00

Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent? - Workshop at IGSSE Annual Forum 2018

Every year TUM's International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSEE) organizes an Annual Forum. In 2018 the symposium will have the theme 'Science without borders' and TUM Brussels together with colleagues from the EuroTech Universities Alliance and TUM ForTe will host a workshop fot the participating phd students. Titel of the workshop: Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent?


Maria-Valerie Schegk

07.05.2018, 18:30 - 09.05.2018, 16:00

COSIMENA Cultural Heritage Cluster

TUM Liaison officer will participate in the Cultural Heritage Cluster Conference organized by the DAAD in Cairo between 7th and 9th of May 2018 within the scope of the COSIMENA (Clusters of Scientific Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa) project . The conference will bring together existing and potential partnership is in the field of Cultural Heritage from different academic disciplines. TUM scientist Mr. Khaled Z. Mostafa will deliver a presentation entitled “Qualitative Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” halten.


Heba Afifi

Tuesday, 08.05.2018

07.05.2018, 14:00 - 08.05.2018, 17:00

Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent? - Workshop at IGSSE Annual Forum 2018

Every year TUM's International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSEE) organizes an Annual Forum. In 2018 the symposium will have the theme 'Science without borders' and TUM Brussels together with colleagues from the EuroTech Universities Alliance and TUM ForTe will host a workshop fot the participating phd students. Titel of the workshop: Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent?


Maria-Valerie Schegk

07.05.2018, 18:30 - 09.05.2018, 16:00

COSIMENA Cultural Heritage Cluster

TUM Liaison officer will participate in the Cultural Heritage Cluster Conference organized by the DAAD in Cairo between 7th and 9th of May 2018 within the scope of the COSIMENA (Clusters of Scientific Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa) project . The conference will bring together existing and potential partnership is in the field of Cultural Heritage from different academic disciplines. TUM scientist Mr. Khaled Z. Mostafa will deliver a presentation entitled “Qualitative Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” halten.


Heba Afifi

Wednesday, 09.05.2018

07.05.2018, 18:30 - 09.05.2018, 16:00

COSIMENA Cultural Heritage Cluster

TUM Liaison officer will participate in the Cultural Heritage Cluster Conference organized by the DAAD in Cairo between 7th and 9th of May 2018 within the scope of the COSIMENA (Clusters of Scientific Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa) project . The conference will bring together existing and potential partnership is in the field of Cultural Heritage from different academic disciplines. TUM scientist Mr. Khaled Z. Mostafa will deliver a presentation entitled “Qualitative Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” halten.


Heba Afifi

Saturday, 12.05.2018

12.05.2018, 09:30 - 12:00

Research at TUM

In Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Johannes Sauer organisiert TUM Beijing eine Infoveranstaltung zum Thema Research at TUM. Eröffnet wurde das Event mit einer Präsentation durch JIN Zhenshan, Liaison Officer vom TUM Beijing. Sie wird die Teilnehmer einen Überblick über Promovieren an der TUM unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bedarfs der chinesischen Bewerber geben. Danach wird Prof. Dr. Johannes Sauer einen Vortrag zum Thema "How to write a research proposal" halten.


Zhenshan Jin

12.05.2018, 14:00 - 17:00

PhD-Matchmaking Workshop

In Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Johannes Sauer organisiert TUM Beijing einen PhD-Matschmaking- Workshop für ausgewählte qualifizierten Kandidaten aus China.


Zhenshan Jin

Wednesday, 16.05.2018

16.05.2018, 09:00 - 13:00

DAAD "ReDiscover Germany – Higher Education & Beyond!"

The TUM liaison office will participate at the DAAD info-session "ReDiscover Germany - Higher Education & Beyond!" at its partner university, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. TUM Mumbai will conduct a presentation on study, research and exchange possibilities at TUM.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai

Hanna Kriebel

Thursday, 24.05.2018

24.05.2018, 21:00 - 23:55

German Science Night

Das TUM Büro in Kairo wird sich an der vom DAAD organisierten Veranstaltung „German Science Night“ in Ramadan beteiligen. Das Event besteht aus einer Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten, wie Filmvorführungen, Präsentationen und Ausstellungen. Zielgruppe sind StudentenInnen, DozentenInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und ForscherInnen.

DAAD Cairo Premises

Heba Afifi

24.05.2018, 12:00 - 25.05.2018, 12:30

EuroTech Universities’ Proposal Workshop in smart and urban mobility

The joint Brussels office of the EuroTech Universities Alliance facilitates the establishment of competitive consortia for different funding instruments within the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020). The 24 and 25 May a proposal workshop in the area of smart & urban mobility will be organized at the EuroTech partner University EPFL in Lausanne.

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Maria-Valerie Schegk

Friday, 25.05.2018

24.05.2018, 12:00 - 25.05.2018, 12:30

EuroTech Universities’ Proposal Workshop in smart and urban mobility

The joint Brussels office of the EuroTech Universities Alliance facilitates the establishment of competitive consortia for different funding instruments within the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020). The 24 and 25 May a proposal workshop in the area of smart & urban mobility will be organized at the EuroTech partner University EPFL in Lausanne.

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Maria-Valerie Schegk

25.05.2018, 14:00 - 17:30

Forschungstag Research in Germany

Am 25. Mai organisiert der DAAD einen Forschungstag zum Thema “Research in Germany" an der University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Die Veranstaltung „Forschungstag“ ist inhaltlich zweigeteilt: Kernelement ist die Standberatung durch die Hochschulvertreter deutscher Universitäten und Bildungseinrichtungen. Jeder Teilnehmer bekommt zu diesem Zweck einen einfachen Stand zur Verfügung gestellt. Parallel besteht die Möglichkeit für die Teilnehmer, in einem etwa 20 minütigen Vortrag die eigene Institution vor studentischem Publikum vorzustellen. TUM Liaison Officer, Zhenshan Jin, wird dort einen Überblick über Promovieren an der TUM unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bedarfs der chinesischen Bewerber geben.


Zhenshan Jin

Sunday, 27.05.2018

27.05.2018, 00:00 - 02.06.2018, 00:00

NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo 2018

Layla Eberle form the TUM International Center will participate in the 2018 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) annual conference. NAFSA is one of the world's most important conferences in the area of International Higher Education, Student Exchange and Mobility. This year, everything revolves around the topic "Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment".

Philadelphia, PA

Monday, 28.05.2018

27.05.2018, 00:00 - 02.06.2018, 00:00

NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo 2018

Layla Eberle form the TUM International Center will participate in the 2018 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) annual conference. NAFSA is one of the world's most important conferences in the area of International Higher Education, Student Exchange and Mobility. This year, everything revolves around the topic "Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment".

Philadelphia, PA

Tuesday, 29.05.2018

27.05.2018, 00:00 - 02.06.2018, 00:00

NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo 2018

Layla Eberle form the TUM International Center will participate in the 2018 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) annual conference. NAFSA is one of the world's most important conferences in the area of International Higher Education, Student Exchange and Mobility. This year, everything revolves around the topic "Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment".

Philadelphia, PA

Wednesday, 30.05.2018

27.05.2018, 00:00 - 02.06.2018, 00:00

NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo 2018

Layla Eberle form the TUM International Center will participate in the 2018 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) annual conference. NAFSA is one of the world's most important conferences in the area of International Higher Education, Student Exchange and Mobility. This year, everything revolves around the topic "Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment".

Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, 31.05.2018

27.05.2018, 00:00 - 02.06.2018, 00:00

NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo 2018

Layla Eberle form the TUM International Center will participate in the 2018 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) annual conference. NAFSA is one of the world's most important conferences in the area of International Higher Education, Student Exchange and Mobility. This year, everything revolves around the topic "Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment".

Philadelphia, PA

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