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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen > International Center > Events - TUM Liaison Offices

Events - TUM Liaison Offices am Wednesday, 03.10.2018

Mittwoch, 03.10.2018

03.10.2018, 00:00 - 05.10.2018, 00:00

T.I.M.E. General Assembly at the University of São Paulo, Brazil

The T.I.M.E. General Assembly in 2018 will take place at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil on October 4th and 5th, 2018. There will be a combination of keynote sessions, working group sessions, and presentation of experiences and cases, which are bound to make for an engaging and enriching T.I.M.E. General Assembly. TUM Sao Paulo will represent TUM at the General Assembly.

University of Sao Paulo

Sören Metz

03.10.2018, 09:00 - 04.10.2018, 18:00

Workshop "Democracy, devolution and climate policy"

Gemeinsam mit dem Verbindungsbüro der Freien Universität Berlin in Delhi organisiert TUM Mumbai einen Workshop zu "Environmental Policy" am Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. Prof. Miranda Schreurs, Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Environmental and Climate Policy der Hochschule für Politik München (HfP) wird für die TUM an dem Workshop teilnehmen.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai

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