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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen > International Center > Events - TUM Liaison Offices

Events - TUM Liaison Offices am Tuesday, 08.05.2018

Tuesday, 08.05.2018

07.05.2018, 14:00 - 08.05.2018, 17:00

Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent? - Workshop at IGSSE Annual Forum 2018

Every year TUM's International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSEE) organizes an Annual Forum. In 2018 the symposium will have the theme 'Science without borders' and TUM Brussels together with colleagues from the EuroTech Universities Alliance and TUM ForTe will host a workshop fot the participating phd students. Titel of the workshop: Europe – a continent of opportunities: what’s on offer for young research talent?


Maria-Valerie Schegk

07.05.2018, 18:30 - 09.05.2018, 16:00

COSIMENA Cultural Heritage Cluster

TUM Liaison officer will participate in the Cultural Heritage Cluster Conference organized by the DAAD in Cairo between 7th and 9th of May 2018 within the scope of the COSIMENA (Clusters of Scientific Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa) project . The conference will bring together existing and potential partnership is in the field of Cultural Heritage from different academic disciplines. TUM scientist Mr. Khaled Z. Mostafa will deliver a presentation entitled “Qualitative Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” Advantages in Mass-Housing Estates built in the 1960s and 1970s in Post-War Germany” halten.


Heba Afifi