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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

 TUM Mumbai

Deutsch-Indisches Seminar: Bauhaus @100

Montag 08.04.2019, 16:30 - 21:00

Veranstaltungsort: Deutsche Botschaft Neu Delhi 

Zum 100jährigen Jubiläum des Bauhaus veranstaltet die Architekturfakultät der TUM-Partneruniversität, IIT Roorkee, ein Deutsch-Indisches Seminar an der Deutschen Botschaft Neu Delhi.

Bauhaus, the modern school of design thinking with strong pedagogic goals remains a lighthouse of architectural education, since a century. Today, on almost 100 years of its influence and existence, is a moment to pause, look back and look ahead at the future of architecture as a discipline, pedagogy and the future. Amidst new philosophies of urban transformations, socioeconomic frameworks and an inevitable technological control of human lives, how could the Bauhaus vision re-kindle the fundamentals of a sustainable future as an idea? From an industrial precision to a philosophy of minimalism, the challenges of ubiquity in global urban forms and identity crisis in a contemporary world remain debates of rethinking architecture, reinterpreting art and revisiting the design processes. Experts from India and Germany will come together to think and reflect upon the future of architecture and its education, under the historic moments of revisiting the past 100 years of Bauhaus.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee

Hanna Kriebel

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