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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > TU München > Leitung der TUM > Portraits der HSL > Curriculum Vitae Dr. Jürgen Weichselbaumer

Dr. Jürgen Weichselbaumer

Vice President Controlling and Planning


Born in Augsburg, Germany


Abitur at the Paul-Klee-Gymnasium, Gersthofen, Germany

1984 - 1990

Studies in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Augsburg, Germany; Foci on Business Management and Organization as well as Operations Research

1990 - 1995

Research Assistant at the Chair of General and Industrial Business Management, Technical University of Munich

1995 - 1997

Head of Department for Economic Methodology Development at the Chair of General and Industrial Business Management, Technical University of Munich; Coordinator for Research projects in the context of organizational design, new technologies and economic evaluation (i.a. DFG/SFB336, BMBF-HCIM, BMBF-BPK, BMBF-FAMO)

1998 - 2003

Personal assistant of the Chancellor of the Technical University Munich


Doctoral Dissertation (Dr. oec,) at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Technical University of Munich: „The costs of division of labour – Economic-theoretical foundation of organizational change“


Science Advancement Award 1999 of the Bayerische Landesbank, Germany

1999 - 2001

Alumnus of the two-year training program for teaching advancement for postgraduates (PROLEHRE) at the Technical University of Munich

1998 - 2005

Office of the Federal University Accounting and Finance Association of the Chancellors of the Universities in Germany (AK HSReW)

since 2004

Head of Department for Controlling, Organization and Planning, Technical University of Munich

2004 - 2005

Associate Lecturer at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Germany, in the continuing education program Management of Higher Education and Science Institutions

2006 - 2011

Speaker of the University Accounting and Finance Association of the Universities in Bavaria, Germany, on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts

2011 - 2019

Vice President for University Development and Planning, Technical University of Munich

since 2014

Permanent Deputy Chancellor, Technical University of Munich

since 2019

Vice President for Controlling and Planning, Technical University of Munich


TU München
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

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