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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


Faculties/DepartmentsVice PresidentsSenior Vice PresidentsPresidentWomen's RepresentativeRepresentative of the Deans of academic affairsTUM Graduate DeanTUM Board of ManagementTUM Supervisory Boardexternal membersVice Presidents internal members Senior Vice Presidents Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and Artes Deans TUM Extended Board of Management President

TUM Extended Board of Management

The Extended Board of Management is an operative body dedicated to developing TUM’s medium- and long-term strategies and aligning the objectives of individual faculties. It brings together the Board of Management, the Department Deans, the Gender Equality Officer, the Chair of the Deans of Studies and the representative of the Central Scientific Institutes.


The Senate is the university’s academic supervisory body. It has nine voting members.

TUM Board of Trustees

TUM’s Board of Trustees currently has 16 voting members and consists of the elected members of the Senate (internal members) and external members. An external member holds the position of Chair. The Chair of the Senate is the Board’s of Trustees Vice Chair. 

The external members of the Supervisory Board come from scientific, cultural, industrial/business and political circles. The Board of Management and the Bavarian Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts draw up a list of potential candidates and this must be approved by the Senate. 

The composition of the Board of Trustees is based on a model that TUM pioneered at university level in Germany on October 1, 1999 and showed to be a success.

TUM University Council

The TUM University Council, consists of up to 25 members from industrial/business, cultural and political circles. They support the interests of TUM in their respective fields. The University Council has an advisory role.

Todays events

00:00 - 23:59

EuroTeQ Collider Challenge Akquise - Fristende 15.11.24

13:00 - 15:30

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