Veranstaltungen und Termine
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KW | Montag | Dienstag | Mittwoch | Donnerstag | Freitag | Samstag | Sonntag |
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TUM Entrepreneurship Day 2024
06.05.2024, 11:00
TUM Stammgelände
Empowering Action for Ocean Conservation: Insights, Initiatives, and the Need to Love our Ocean
06.05.2024, 19:00 - 20:30
Frank Schweikert
Did you know that everyone has a strong impact on “Life below water” and our marine ecosystems, even though we here in Bavaria live so far away from the ocean? Do you want to learn how and why we need to act now for our oceans and marine life? Then join this lecture by Frank Schweikert, Founder and Director of the German Ocean Foundation. He will explain how the daily work of the institutions he is involved in contribute to a meaningful status improvement of the world’s largest ecosystem – the ocean. Although we humans depend on a healthy ocean to survive on planet Earth and the ocean is connected to all our rivers, we nearly know nothing about it. So, let’s dive into this amazing and still unknown ecosystem, allow ourselves to be inspired to change how we think, act, and feel about the ocean, and learn how we, even as students, can sustainably impact the future of “Life below water”.
Frank Schweikert is the founder and director of the German Ocean Foundation, President of the German Marine Litter Association, and Vice President of the German Society for Marine Research. He is the founder of Hamburg Climate Week (since 2009) and an associated member of the German branch CLUB OF ROME and ALDEBARAN Marine Research and Broadcast. He was a member of the European Union Assembly Mission Board “Climate Change Adaptation, including Societal Transformation” (2019-2022) and an honorary member of the Rotary Club Passport ECO Planet. He studied Biology with a diploma at the Universities of Stuttgart and Munich.
Hybrid: Lecture Hall 0980 (AUDIMAX) and via Zoom
Transformation Towards Long-term Sustainability Beyond Sustainable Development Goals (BeyondSDG)
08.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30
Dr. Prajal Pradhan
Countries are not on track to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that comprises 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Although SDGs aim to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path, countries are not yet able to make transformative changes for long-term sustainability that require building social prosperity and foundations within planetary boundaries. Failing to achieve SDGs will negatively affect billions of people and worsen environmental conditions and socio-economic problems. Therefore, BeyondSDG aims to understand the necessary conditions for long-term sustainability, including achieving SDGs, based on the following specific objectives:
identify critical targets for prioritizing SDGs;
investigate the effects of (under)achieving SDGs on long-term sustainability beyond 2030; and
identify sustainability targets for the post-2030 development agenda. For this, BeyondSDG applies a threefold scientific approach that combines statistical analysis of empirical and modelled data, qualitative analysis of literature, and knowledge co-creation with stakeholders, including sectoral experts and policymakers, based on systems thinking.
This combination of three approaches is complementary and essential to deal with the complex topic of long-term sustainability.
Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom
Christi Himmelfahrt
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Biodiversity Week
13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00
Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.
TUM@Freising: Die Hefe macht das Bier – Brauereihefen, Hefebiodiversität & Hefejagd
14.05.2024, 19:00 - 20:30
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Mathias Hutzler
Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.
Lindenkeller Freising
Biodiversity Week
13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00
Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.
Bayerisch-Französische Absolventenforum 2024
15.05.2024, 14:38
Vom Startup bis zum Global Player: zahlreiche Unternehmen mit deutsch-französischer DNA haben ihren Sitz in Bayern! Das bayerisch-französische Absolventenforum 2024 bietet Ihnen den direkten Kontakt mit französischen Führungskräften und spannenden Unternehmen.
Des start-up aux grandes multinationales, de nombreuses entreprises ayant une empreinte franco-allemande ont leur siège en Bavière. Dans ce contexte, le forum des diplômés franco-bavarois 2024 vous offre un contact direct avec des dirigeants d’entreprises français passionnés par leur métier.
Das Forum richtet sich insbesondere an alle Studierenden (der höheren Semester) und Absolvent.innen der deutsch-französischen Studiengänge, an die Freiwilligen eines Volontariat International en Entreprise sowie an Doktorand.innen, die Spaß an einer internationalen Karriere und am französischen savoir-vivre haben.
Le forum s’adresse en particulier aux étudiants en fin de cursus, aux jeunes diplômés de filières franco-allemandes, ainsi qu’aux doctorants et VIE, intéressés par une carrière à l’international.
Veranstaltet wird das Forum durch die französischen Außenhandelsräte in Bayern (CCEF) und BayFrance.
Le forum est organisé par les Conseillers du commerce extérieur de la France en Bavière et BayFrance.
Institut Français München, Kaulbachstraße 13, 80539 München
Biodiversity Week
13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00
Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.
Biodiversity Week
13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00
Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.
Biodiversity Week
13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00
Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.
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Getting Ready for the Future - Rethinking Systems, Paradigms and Economics
22.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30
Antonia Borsutzky
What does it take to use our economy as a lever to shape the sustainable transformation? And why are we still working with paradigms that are outdated? The talk will give an overview of future needs and obstacles on the way. How can we shape our economy to operate within planetary boundaries? And how do we need to shift our way of thinking about things?
Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom
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Climate Change Politics in the Lead Up to COP 29 in Azerbaijan
29.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30
Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
What has been achieved in efforts to address climate change in past Conference of the Parties (COPs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and what can be expected from COP29 in Azerbaijan. Are we making progress? What are the big hurdles that need to be overcome? How might political developments impact on climate change progress? This talk will provide a broad overview of major trends in climate policy.
Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom
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