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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > "Steps in my career & professional development – less is more?"

 Social Event

"Steps in my career & professional development – less is more?"

Tuesday 15.11.2022, 08:35


CAMPUS GARCHING - Boltzmannstraße 17, 85748 Garching 

Dr. Andrea Geipel, Nathalie Eisenhut, Prof. Dr. Niklas Boers, Dr. Johannes Betz

In our Fireside Chat series, we feature exciting researchers and alumni who provide insights into their careers, decision-making processes, and experiences. We invite you to a lively exchange with experts during the panel discussion and at the get-together afterward.

Many roads lead to a fulfilling career – no matter if staying in academia is your ultimate career goal or just a milestone towards industry employment or other purposes. However, one thing is sure: Irrespective of your chosen career path, others will compete for the same position or opportunity. Are there unique features that make one stand out in a crowd in a fast-changing globalized world and international job market? Is there a ‘bucket list’ with things to do during the master’s program or doctorate that will increase employability after graduation? Should one focus on a single career path and pursue it no matter what or is it better to go with the flow and see what happens? Less is more – is less career preparation may be better because it enables spontaneity and keeps your mind open to unforeseen opportunities that life may have in store for you? Join our fireside chat and meet our panelists from different personal and scientific backgrounds. Get inspired by their stories, personal experiences, and career choices while wondering what surprising turns a seemingly flawless career may take. Register now: https://wiki.tum.de/x/eANoTQ

TUM Graduate School und TUM: Junge Akademie

Peter Finger

Further information available under: https://wiki.tum.de/x/eANoTQ

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