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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Catalyze-Innovation "BioTech - a holy grail for many applications?"

 Social Event

Catalyze-Innovation "BioTech - a holy grail for many applications?"

Monday 16.01.2023, 17:00 - 19:00


TUM, Center for Functional Protein Assemblies (CPA), Room EG.006A &B (5415.EG.006A), Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Straße 8, 85748 Garching bei München 

About the event:

Catalyze-Innovation is an event series, organized by the TUM Venture Lab ChemSPACE, for people with an interest in entrepreneurship, new ideas, and the future of chemistry. The goal is to come together, get an impulse from a speaker, and discuss ideas for the chemical industry of the future.

The upcoming event focuses on the hyped topic of BioTech and whether it is a holy grail for many applications or not. During the event, participants can discuss about the importance of BioTech in everyday life, as well as for the pharmaceutical industry, the production of chemicals, and the food industry.

We would like to invite you to join the Catalyze-Innovation event!

TUM Venture Lab ChemSPACE

Jasmin Kraus

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