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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > TUM Master's Days 2022-- Introduction to the Asian campus, TUM Asia, with the highlight of MSc in Rail Transport and Logistics

TUM Master's Days 2022-- Introduction to the Asian campus, TUM Asia, with the highlight of MSc in Rail Transport and Logistics

Freitag 01.04.2022, 09:00 - 11:00

TUM Asia

Introduction to the Asian campus, TUM Asia, with the highlight of MSc in Rail Transport and Logistics

TUM Master's Days 2022

Anmeldung : https://events.cst.ze.tum.de/masterdays/

Registration : https://events.cst.ze.tum.de/masterdays/

TUM Center for Study and Teaching Studienberatung und -information

Weitere Informationen unter: https://events.cst.ze.tum.de/masterdays/

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