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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > XR Roundtable: Challenges & Chances in Higher Education


XR Roundtable: Challenges & Chances in Higher Education

Tuesday 08.03.2022, 14:00 - 16:30



Prof. Nassir Navab, Prof Gudrun Klinker, Prof. David Wuttke, Dr. Andrea Geipel & Dr. Christian Hartmann

XR technologies are enjoying increasing interest. At this roundtable, TUM experts will share their projects and visions with you. Giving you the possibility to connect with others exchanging ideas. An opportunity to learn and discuss how XR applications reinforce education and training. An opportunity to reflect with interdisciplinary experts on AR-VR as a malleable technology and to connect with other scientists and researchers.

What is XR Roundtable?
Extended Reality technologies are gaining increasing interest, and many researchers are using these technologies or even developing their own applications. Since XR-based projects run independently of each other in different units at TUM, this roundtable serves to bundle the expertise that is scattered across various disciplines. The event will feature multiple exciting discussions on the topic of AR/VR and a final session to discuss the general theme covered at the event.

Aim of the Event
The purpose of the XR Roundtable is to bring together experts as well as interested stakeholders at TUM and encourage them to

• exchange experiences with XR technology
• present best-practices for projects in the field of XR
• clarify open questions and find solutions to problems
• create synergies
• discuss the potential as well as the future of these technologies

Attending the Roundtable
The roundtable will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, March 8th, from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. The link to the event will be sent after registration.

We look forward to welcoming you to our roundtable to connect with XR colleagues from various departments at the Technical University of Munich.

TUM, ProLehre | Medien und Didaktik

Register for Free | For Researchers only:

ProLehre | Medien und Didaktik

Michael Höhne

Further information available under: http://ed-tech-labs.com

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