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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 1335 "Aberrant Immune Signals in Cancer"


International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 1335 "Aberrant Immune Signals in Cancer"

Thursday 02.12.2021, 13:00 - Friday 03.12.2021, 16:30



Registration to this virtual symposium is free!

Confirmed Speakers Andrea Ablasser (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH) Theodore Alexandrov (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE) Timothy Chan (Cleveland Clinic, US) Triantafyllos Chavakis (Technische Universität Dresden, DE) Florian Greten (Georg-Speyer-Haus, DE) Nir Hacohen (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, US) Ping-Chih Ho (University of Lausanne, CH) Michael Hölzel (University Hospital Bonn, DE) Russel Jones (Van Andel Institute, US) Ari M. Melnick (Weill Cornell Medicine, US) Andy J. Minn (Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, US) Teresa Palomero (Columbia University, US) Caetano Reis e Sousa (The Francis Crick Institute, UK) David M. Weinstock (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, US) Registration to this virtual symposium is free! For more information on the event and to register, please visit our https://www.crc1335-symposium.de/

Further information available under: https://www.crc1335-symposium.de/

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