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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > TUMJA Symposium "CELEBRATE CREATIVITY"



Saturday 30.10.2021, 20:00 - 21:30


Audimax der TUM 


Explore with us, where creativity can lead to. And where it took us, the 2020 TUMJA Team. Learn about our new and creative TUMJA projects, meet fascinating AI, artists and experience live, how arts and technology come together.

For sure, creativity is sparking everywhere at TUM. It's when scientists and students solve old and new problems differently than before. It’s when they break traditional understandings of technology, when they let their ideas fly, start with one question and come up with a solution for another one. Join us on October, 30 for the Symposium of TUM: Junge Akademie to celebrate this creativity!

The symposium of the TUM: Junge Akademie is the public and official conclusion of each year of the scholarship program.
It is part of the training of the young scientists and is organized by the scholarship holders themselves.

Learn more about the organization team: www.ja.tum.de/taskforces/symposium/

TUM: Junge Akademie

Peter Finger

Further information available under: https://www.ja.tum.de/celebrate-creativity/

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