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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

SRM Talks

Thursday 14.11.2019, 08:31

Felix Weth
Founder of Fairmondo
“Freeing your Will - Sustainable Consumption in a World Optimized by Algorithms"
Felix is the founder of Fairmondo, an online-marketplace that aims to become a fair alternative to Amazon. Since the start of this project in 2011, he is involved in the topic of responsible consumption and alternative models of business. He holds a degree in political science, philosophy and economics. During his studies, he founded the non- profit organization Studies Without Borders, which supports students in crisis regions.

Justus Schütze
Conviviality Speaker
"Limitless consumption, growth and industrialisation: How to escape our race to the bottom"
Justus is a resident of the organic agriculture-based living community KlosterGut Schlehdorf in southern Germany and the founder of a Munich-based decentralised energy enterprise, BUZZN. Both in his personal and professional life, he is exploring the pathways for transcending from the conventional to the new social paradigms, which could in turn help us as a society to become more conscious in our consumption behaviour. Justus holds a degree in economics from the University of Manchester and is also the cofounder of the nature-based kindergarten in Munich, Mamma Lupa.

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