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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


MGC Science Day

Friday 18.10.2019, 09:00 - 17:30


Hörsaal D und Pavillion Klinikum rechts der Isar 

Medical Graduate Center Doctoral Candidates

Der MGC Science Day ist eine Veranstaltung zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch zwischen Studierenden der Promotionsprogramme der medizinischen Fakultät der TUM

The MGC Science Day is a conference-style event where all students of the MGC and its doctoral programs have the opportunity to share their research and build an interdisciplinary network. It will include talks from doctoral candidates, keynote speaker talks and a poster session of doctoral candidates in all stages of their thesis. After the poster session, it is planned to provide the possibility for further discussion and networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Interested visitors are welcome to join the talk and poster sessions.

MGC Student Representatives

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