Experimenting with co-laboration between social and techno/life sciences
Dienstag 15.12.2015, 18:00 - 20:00
Jörg Niewöhner, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
M-C-T-S is all around: It is our pleasure to introduce the Center´s youngest event format: the Munich Colloquium on Technology in Society, which will soon have its premiere: On Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015, Prof. Dr. Jörg Niewöhner (HU Berlin) will give a talk on "Experimenting with co-laboration between social and techno/life scienes". The Munich Colloquium on Technology in Society is designed as a series of public lectures. These lectures will be held by defining figures in the area of Science and Technology Studies and explore key issues on the crossroads of science, knowledge, technology, and social life.
This talk will distinguish three modes of ethnographic collaboration with techno/social sciences. It will emphasise the productive role of agonistic interaction and idiocy. Examples from technology design, social psychiatry and urban development will illustrate the value of such experimental co-laborations.
Munich Center for Technology in Society
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