Information Session: Immediate Action Program for Refugees
Wednesday 30.09.2015, 10:00 - 12:00
Information Session on the Immediate Action Program for Refugees by TUM
TUM is offering refugees who had already started or were about to start programs of study in their countries of origin the chance to attend courses at TUM as part of an immediate action program. Starting in October, they will be able to audit (sit in on) course modules in German or English. This program serves as an opportunity for refugees to familiarize themselves with the German higher education system.
At this event on 30 September 2015, from 10 a.m. to noon you can find out more about the immediate action program for refugees at TUM. Information will be provided in German and English. Location: Arcisstrasse 21, ground floor, room 606 , Theresianum. ( Directions to Campus )
We will be answering questions such as: How does the higher education system work in Germany? What courses of study are available at TUM? What requirements must I fulfill to audit a course and how can I apply? How can I find the right course for me? Individual advising will be available at this event, as well as information on other TUM support services for refugees – and of course, there be time to get to know students from TUM at the session.
Please register for the event using the online registration form