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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > 5th MSE-Colloquium - Call for Contributions


5th MSE-Colloquium - Call for Contributions

Thursday 09.07.2015, 08:30 - 21:00


Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) an der TUM 


On 09.07.2015 the 5th colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) will be held. It´s goal is to bring together knowledge and research in the field of energy and to provide a platform for discussion and exchange.

Doctoral students and young researchers from all disciplines at TUM are invited to participate in the colloquium under this year´s slogan "Innovations for Energy Systems, Mobility, Buildings and Materials".

Munich School of Engineering

Cornelia Gotterbarm

Further information available under: http://www.mse.tum.de/mse-kolloquien/call/

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