Global Voices lecture "A Link to India - Research, Study, Culture"
Wednesday 12.11.2014, 17:00 - 18:30
Consul General of India in Munich: M. Sevala Naik
Global Voices lecture "A Link to India - Research, Study, Culture" on November the 12th at 5 p.m. in the Vorhoelzer Forum, Main building Arcisstr. 21. In the framework of the Global Voices the lecture series on the topic of Culture and Technology are conducted by the renowned people with competent knowledge in a particular field combining the innovation of technology with cultural aspect. The presentation will be given by Consul General of India in Munich Mr. Sevala Naik (language: English, free admission). Plenumdiscussion.
Global Voices lecture "A Link to India - Research, Study, Culture" on November the 12th at 5 p.m. in the Vorhoelzer Forum, Main building Arcisstr. 21.
In the framework of the Global Voices the lecture series on the topic of Culture and Technology are conducted by the renowned people with competent knowledge in a particular field combining the innovation of technology with cultural aspect.
The presentation will be given by Consul General of India in Munich Mr. Sevala Naik (language: English, free admission).
With plenumdiscussion.
Sprachenzentrum / MCTS
Christina Thunstedt - thunstedt@zv.tum.de
Further information available under: http://www.sprachenzentrum.tum.de/fileadmin/w00bjd/www/PDF/News/141016_GlobalVoices3_Flyer_X3.pdf