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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > 31st Annual Meeting of GASL (German Association for the Study of the Liver)


31st Annual Meeting of GASL (German Association for the Study of the Liver)

Friday 30.01.2015, 13:00 - Saturday 31.01.2015, 14:15


Klinikum rechts der Isar, Hörsaal A 

The 31st Annual Meeting of GASL (German Association for the Study of the Liver) is the most important meeting in Germany for hepatologists involved in liver research, as it delivers impactful scientific exchange of expertise related to studies of the liver. Registration required via www.gasl.de.

Prof. Ulrike Protzer, M.D., Prof. Roland Schmid, M.D., PD Norbert Grüner, M.D.

Cauleen Noël

Further information available under: http://www.gasl.de

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