Konferenz Geopolitik, Kaukasus
Dienstag 15.07.2014, 09:30 - Sonntag 20.07.2014, 17:30
The leading question of the conference is: What can energy politics and energy diplomacy do for the regional cooperations in the Caucasus region? The discussions focus on the analysis of dynamic development in energy politics and their influence on regional cooperation as well as on the exchange of experience between Caucasian and Europian collegues towards questions on energy diplomacy and forms of interregional cooperation in the energy sector.
One of the keystones of the European Union was the Europian community for coal and steel (EGKS). The collaberation in these key industries was a main factor for the late success of the European Union. In the power sector mergers have also been existing for a long time in Europe. Especially the ENTSOE as successor organization of the UCTE has brought a stable long-term supply with electricity. These examples can also be used as a patternfor the Caucasian regions- Furthermore the establishment of a common legal framework brings security for investors and alltogether makes the whole region more attractive for international companies.
The questions of energy politics and energy diplomacy in the Caucasus will be considered in a broad context so that they can be critically estimated. We want to achieve this goal on by a well prepared exchange of experiences from different perspectives. Many translational companies are involved in energy projects in Southern Caucasus. Still there have remaind large deficiencies in the research of collaberation in the Caucasus and the support for regional cooperations. A further gap exists in checking on which other sectors successful energy concepts can be transferred.
Munich School of Engineering
Giorgi Khubua