Talk by TUM-IAS Visiting Fellow Prof. Peter Schmid (LadHyX, École Polytechnique)
Friday 27.05.2011, 14:00 - 15:00
Title: “Flow Control Design by Galerkin Projection and System Identification”
Joint lecture series of TUM-IAS and the Chair for Thermodynamics.
The design of flow control strategies critically depends on the type of flow. Globally unstable flows (referred to as oscillator flows) are easier controlled due to their insensitivity to noise and their well-defined frequency spectrum. Globally stable flows (referred to as amplifier flows), on the other hand, are far more challenging to manipulate owing to their strong response to external noise sources, their sensitivity to modeling assumptions and their broadband frequency spectrum. We will discuss steps and techniques for the effective flow control design for either type of flow. Galerkin projections and system identification methods will be introduced and discussed, and the flow over an open cavity (oscillator) and the flow over a backward-facing step (amplifier) will be used to demonstrate the techniques.
The lecture can be attended without previous notice