Stipendien und Studienmöglichkeiten an der King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi-Arabien
Thursday 05.11.2009, 14:00 - 16:00
Die KAUST bietet gutdotierte Stipendien für das Master- und Promotionsstudium. Beteiligte Studienfelder sind: Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS) Bioscience (B) Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) Chemical Science (ChemS) Computer Science (CS) Earth Science and Engineering (ErSE) Electrical Engineering (EE) Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE) Marine Science and Engineering (MarSE) Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Mechanical Engineering (ME)
The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) opened in September to its inaugural class with 11 fields of study in science, technology and engineering. We invite you to learn more about the vision and mission of a globally renowned graduate research university.
KAUST is funded by a $10 billion endowment. All students are supported by generous Fellowships which cover tuition and housing for the student as well as spouses and children, a living stipend, and transportation to and from the student’s home country to KAUST.
KAUST faculty and students are involved in specific high impact research areas of global significance. State-of-the-art research centers and facilities provide an environment for targeted and goal oriented research programs. Extensive collaborations with industry partners lead to potential internships and career opportunities.
KAUST’s beautiful and comfortable campus is located on the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The diverse and international community provides a unique multicultural experience.
Dr. Jörg Eppinger is Assistant Professor of Chemical Science in the division of Chemical and Life Sciences and Engineering at KAUST, affiliated with the KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC) as a Principal Investigator. Dr. Eppinger was previously a faculty member at TU Munich. He will join KAUST staff in sharing information about learning and living at KAUST. We look forward to meeting you.