Meta-servers at GeneSilico.PL: Predicting structures and their quality
Mittwoch 29.04.2009, 18:00 - 19:00
Prof. Dr. Janusz M. Bujnicki
Bioinformatics Colloquium
I will review the bioinformatics methods developed at the IIMCB and UAM and available via the genesilico.pl server. In particular, I will focus on meta-servers for prediction of protein structure, disorder, and evaluation of protein structure models. I will also briefly review our recent developments in the area of RNA 2D and 3D structure prediction and software for analyzing contact maps in proteins, nucleic acids and their complexes. I will introduce the GeneSilico TOOLKIT (available at https://genesilico.pl/toolkit/), a suite of tools for protein structural bioinformatics, available as an integrated web server. TOOLKIT provides a ‘one stop shop’ for researchers interested in predicting protein tertiary structure from sequence and in accurate estimation to which extent the structural models can be trusted.
Bioinformatics Initiative Munich
Prof. H.W. Mewes, TU München