Tools for Tissue Engineering
Friday 11.04.2008, 09:00 - 18:00
Target Group: The symposium addresses responsible parties and decisionmakers from politics and industry, manufacturers of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biologics, competent authorities and university professors, personnel and students with an interest in this subject.
Tissue engineering represents a prospering branch of biotechnology.
It holds promises for a vast range of potential applications
in the health sector. Applying the basic principles of engineering
and life sciences, the manufacture of tailor-made
cell-based tissue constructs becomes feasible. Know-how from
the fields of cell biology, cell culture technology, biochemistry,
molecular biology and biophysics is used for this task.
A symposium organized by the Medical & Health Services unit of
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH in cooperation with Prof. Wolf,
Heinz Nixdorf-Chair for Medical Electronics, Technische Uni -
versität München focuses on current trends in tissue engineering.
Contributions concentrate on subjects such as the biological
safety and the regulatory framework for tissue engineering
products in Europe.
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH / Technische Universität München / Heinz Nixdorf-Chair for Medical Electronics
Ulrike Wachtveitl, Phone: +49 89 5008-4315, ulrike.wachtveitl@tuev-sued.de
Further information available under: http://www.lme.ei.tum.de/veranstaltungen/programm_symposium_te.pdf