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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > selections > Veranstaltungen für Studierende

Veranstaltungen für Studierende vom 01.06.2024 bis 30.06.2024

Alle Events des zentralen Terminkalenders, die für Studierende relevant sind.
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Mittwoch, 05.06.2024

05.06.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

Women, Business and the Law 2024: Breaking Barriers to Achieve Gender Equality

Women worldwide face significantly more barriers to becoming entrepreneurs or employees compared to men. The latest Women, Business, and the Law report offers a comprehensive picture of the obstacles that women face in entering the global workforce and contributing to greater prosperity – for themselves, their families, and their communities. It expands the scope of its analysis, adding two indicators that can be critical in opening up or restricting women’s options: safety from violence and access to childcare services. When those measures are included, women on average enjoy just 64% of the legal protections that men do – far fewer than the previous estimate of 77%. Women, Business and the Law is a World Bank Group project collecting data on the laws and policy mechanisms that measure the enabling environment for women’s economic opportunity. Women, Business and the Law 2024 introduces a new framework with three pillars – legal frameworks, supportive frameworks, and expert opinions – to measure the differences on access to economic opportunities between men and women in 190 economies. Adopting laws that strengthen women’s rights and opportunities is an essential first step toward inclusive, resilient, stronger societies. Equal treatment of women under the law is associated with more women entering and remaining in the labor force and rising to managerial positions. It generates higher wages for women and facilitates business ownership by women. The analysis reveals a shocking implementation gap. Although laws on the books imply that women enjoy roughly two-thirds the rights of men, countries on average have established less than 40% of the systems needed for full implementation. For example, 98 economies have enacted legislation mandating equal pay for women for work of equal value. Yet only 35 economies – fewer than one out of every five – have adopted pay-transparency measures or enforcement mechanisms to address the pay gap. Even in high-income countries with high scores for treating women equally under the law, the implementation of these laws is lacking.

Online via Zoom: Webinar-ID 685 3335 0085 | Password: 17goals


Dienstag, 11.06.2024

11.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus FS-Weihenstephan

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheitheit angeboten.

Campus Freising-Weihenstephan (ZHS)

Mittwoch, 12.06.2024

12.06.2024, 08:00 - 22:00

TUM Sustainability Day

Der zweite Nachhaltigkeitstag der TUM findet am Mitwoch 12.06.2024 statt. Weitere Infos gibt es rechtzeitig auf tum.de/nachhaltigkeit

voraussichtl. Garching, MW

Montag, 17.06.2024

17.06.2024, 11:00 - 12:00

New solutions for ‘hidden’ origin of soil-bound contaminant residues and surface runoff management

Building CH-6 Seminar Room 36220, Department of Chemistry, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching

Dorothee Skottke

Mittwoch, 19.06.2024

19.06.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

How Can Finance and Investment Support Ocean Health?

A healthy ocean is essential to global well-being, biodiversity, and includes critical ecosystems underpinning all life on earth. Despite its values, the ocean is under immense pressure from human activities, threatening its ability to support human well-being, with disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities. The majority of these pressures come from economic activities related to the ocean (“ocean economy”) such as fishing, aquaculture, coastal development, and shipping. Globally the ocean economy is worth over $4t AUD/yr and is expanding at twice the rate of the mainstream economy. At the same time, the gap in funding to protect and manage ocean health is at least $266b AUD/year and growing rapidly. Not only does this put the future of the ocean at risk, it also risks the entire global economy: over two-thirds of all publicly listed companies are at risk due to ocean decline. Investing a sustainable ocean economy (SOE) however can reduce economic losses by $8t AUD by 2037, yield six times more food and create 12 million new jobs by 2030. In a SOE, ocean health and ocean wealth are held in balance, and sufficient and durable finance for the management of ocean health is provided from the SOE. Despite clear evidence that achieving SOE will be better economically, ecologically and socially, market barriers hinder the transition. Key market barriers include inadequate policies, funding, capacities, and pipelines of investable SOE deals. This talk will dive into the global efforts to align capital flows with SDG 14.

Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom


Donnerstag, 20.06.2024

20.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus München - Innenstadt

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheit angeboten.

Campus München - Innenstadt/Arcisstr. (Immatrikulationshalle)

Dienstag, 25.06.2024

25.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus Straubing

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheit angeboten. Mehr Informationen zum Programm erhalten Sie zeitnah auf der Homepage https://www.hr6.tum.de/hr6/tumgesund/

Campus Straubing

Mittwoch, 26.06.2024

26.06.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

The Rising Problem of Electronic Waste: Explore the Challenge to Embrace Solutions

Join us to delve into the current challenges of growing household electronic waste and learn about the biggest levers to solutions. Get inspired to take action and be a part of the change!

Lecture Hall N1190
